Foot Management has over twenty years of experience utilizing Cad/Cam systems to manufacture a wide variety of custom made orthoses to suit your patients’ needs.
We have the Tenderfoot® Soft for the arthritic or diabetic individual and the Tenderfoot® Medium or Firm for the athletically inclined. The Ortho-Arch II or the Lo-Pro are also highly recommended for people who stay active at work or on the field. Specialty Orthotics are also available. Call us and together we can decide how to manufacture a device for your special needs.
Our lab is staffed by professional lab technicians and pedorthists who manufacture a top quality product. In addition to tried and true handcrafting, we utilize state of the art digital imaging and milling equipment to produce products that are made with pride by people who care.
We maintain your cast for five (5) years so remakes can be easily ordered by phone.
Upon receiving your order it takes approximately 5-7 working days in the lab to complete the product. We return ship your custom Orthotics via ground unless otherwise requested. Air shipments (Overnight or 2-day air) are available, and their shipping cost will be added to your invoice.
We also offer many off the shelf and foot care products; to see our selection, please visit our online store.