Foot Management has been partnered with Sharp Shape for over two decades. As technology advances, as does Foot Management. AOMS TOT was introduced by Sharp Shape, allowing people to scan feet with iPad devices. By attaching a Structure Sensor (, an iPad can take 3D scans of the foot. We immediately saw the potential of being able to use this for making custom biomechanical orthotics. Traditional scanners tend to be bulky, and need to be hooked up to laptop computers. For true mobility, prescribers must be able to scan on the go.

Foot Management has been using the E-Z-SCAN™, which is a combination of an Apple iPad, Sensor Scanner, and the AOMS TOT app. With this system, a prescriber can take extremely accurate scans of patient’s feet and send them directly to our lab. This means lower costs for the prescriber, no shipping time, and more accuracy than previous scanners. E-Z-SCAN™ also allows clinicians and Athletic Trainers more freedom, with portability that has previously not been achieved.

Being able to see the foot in a three-dimensional view gives us greater insight and accuracy. In addition to the year of R&D and feedback, we have also brought on additional programs that allow us to edit and shape 3D objects. By being able to control the yaw, pitch, angle, and roll of the foot – we can make sure our products stay at our trademark high quality

To learn more about the E-Z-SCAN™ system, please e-mail us at or call at 1-800-HOT-FOOT
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